This woman only ate one piece of bread a day for 5 years – but look at her now

Annie Windley, a 21-year-old from Woolley Moor, Derbyshire, shares her story of overcoming anorexia to inspire others. At her lowest, she weighed only 29kg and was at risk of a heart attack. She has battled anorexia for over five years, enduring multiple hospitalizations and treatments. Through her love of running, Annie has recovered and even completed the Chesterfield Half Marathon last October.

Annie describes recovery as “a breathtaking process that should be thrilling, unforgettable, and amazing.” She acknowledges that anorexia will always be a part of her, but she has learned to control it. “Changing for the better is never too late,” she says.

Diagnosed in 2012, Annie began her recovery two years later, facing many challenges, including being sectioned and severe weight loss. In October 2017, she decided to fight for herself, gaining three stones in four months. She realized that kindness and behavior are more important than weight, stating, “These are the things that will make you happy.”

Running played a crucial role in her recovery, giving her goals and helping her stay on track. Participating in Chesterfield’s annual half marathon was a significant milestone. Annie now appreciates life more, saying, “Exercise shouldn’t be seen as a punishment but as a celebration of what your body is capable of.”

Annie encourages others to keep fighting, even on bad days. “We must show our disorders that we are able to do so. We don’t want to spend our lives feeling unhappy and full of regret,” she advises.

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