Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World

Landon Whitley was in a car crash on October 19, 1997, riding home from church with his parents. His dad died instantly, and Landon was found later, not breathing. He was resuscitated multiple times, and doctors warned he might have severe brain damage. “He would be like an 8-year-old baby,” his mom Julie recalled.

At his father’s funeral, Julie felt abandoned by God but prayed hard for Landon. After two weeks in a coma, Landon miraculously woke up without brain damage. Julie hesitated to tell him about his dad, but Landon said, “I saw him in heaven.”

Landon also claimed to have seen other family members, including siblings from miscarriages he hadn’t known about. He said, “I saw your other two kids.”

Landon described meeting Jesus in heaven, who gave him a mission. “Jesus came to me and told me that I have to go back to earth and be a good Christian and tell others about Him,” Landon shared.

Now, Landon and Julie share their story to help others. “I know that He’s real. I know that angels are there,” Landon added. Julie believes their experience can offer hope and strengthen faith.

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