Boss Accused Me of Faking That I Have a Son & Got Me Arrested after I Asked For a Week off to Care For My Sick Kid

When Annie’s son Kenny becomes seriously ill, she takes a week off work to care for him. Upon returning to the office, she’s met by her boss and a police officer with handcuffs. Despite a decade of dedication to the company, Annie is accused of lying about having a son.

Annie is arrested, but when she contacts her best friend Mia, an attorney, Mia quickly uncovers the truth. Her boss, Mr. Williams, orchestrated her arrest by bribing an officer to avoid paying her salary. Company policy allowed for termination and seizure of owed money if an employee was involved in criminal activity.

Thanks to Mia’s intervention, Annie is released, and Mr. Williams faces prison. To avoid a lawsuit, the company compensates Annie with $40,000, claiming Mr. Williams acted alone. Annie now works for Mia’s law firm, feeling secure and able to provide for her son.

Has anything as absurd happened to you at work?

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